As early as I can remember, I have been aware of style. I remember paying close attention to the way people dressed. I would always find myself the most impressed with older gentlemen wearing suits. I thought a suit was the best way to present yourself and the church pushed this passion further. I would watch as people dressed in their "Sunday best" time and time again. Young and not able to afford suits, ties, etc, I told myself that one day I would be able to afford the things I wanted to wear and when that day came I would strive to look my best.
Having to wear suits three to four times a week became a joy. This led me to learn many of the nuances of Menswear. I set a goal to help others find their personal style. Based on my knowledge of Menswear, I wanted to share the things I found with others. Through the years I have been "unofficially" helping to style men around me. I love to dress my best, but nothing gives me more satisfaction than seeing others smile when they find their style!
For years I have dreamed about starting a Brand as a platform to introduce my ideas to Menswear. I envision a world with foundational principles similar to those of the 30s and 40s where it was normal for men to wear suits daily. Attention to detail was done without thought. Chivalry thrived. First impressions mattered. Through J. Ervin Collection, I plan to revive these core values in today's society.
Jermaine Ervin
J. Ervin Collection